Copper 440Mhz J-Pole – Done (Well, Sort of)

I wanted a cheap decent 70cm Antenna that I can put on the stink pipe on the roof without the neighbors noticing another antenna. I the copper J-pole and thought it would be a great idea. After finding out the parts I need I went to home depot then radio shack and after $15, I had what I needed to make 2 antennas (already had elbows and Tee’s). Cutting and assembly was easy up until I tried to mount a SO-239 connector and solder the center. I have a blow torch and a pencil iron. Nothing in-between so I had a hell of a time getting the solder to stick.

Here is a picture

70cm Copper J-Pole70cm Copper J-Pole
70cm Copper J-Pole

It took a bit to tune. I thought I needed to be much lower for 440Mhz but I guess I was wrong. I’m getting 1.1 to 1.5 throughout the 70cm band. I hooked it up to HT and with the antenna perched on my desk I was able to work repeaters that I’ve couldn’t with just the HT and it’s antenna. So far impressed. I might paint it black to blend in with the vent pipe on my roof.

I also got ideas to improve the J-pole by fabricating a mount that I I will be able to rivet and solder on the SO-239 connector and also solder it to the pipe with ease.

Now I want to try 146mhz, dual band (144/440) and possibly a 6 meter. I have enough material to make one more UHF antenna.


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