NT1K Op-Ed: The Start!

I am going  to try out posting my thoughts and opinions when it comes to Amateur Radio here on NT1K.com. Reason I’ve been holding back is that I consider myself to be nice guy… Well, most of the time. I do “bust chops” but I try to let people know that I’m not after them. Most times, I am just trying to help. I don’t want to be just another blogger complaining about things and cast myself in a negative light. When it comes to talking about any subject, I always try to keep an open mind and look at ALL sides of the topic. Everyone is different and I try to write for everyone but at times, it proves to be difficult. When it comes to Amateur Radio, there is always someone who is never happy and will find any excuse to make it known.

One of the big reasons why I created this website was to help people by either showing them how to do things in an easier way to understand. I often come across articles that either don’t give much information or the information is so complex that you’re left scratching your head. The original goal of this site was to make it easier for those who are just getting into the hobby to understand how to do things from scratch and why. I am still going to do that but at the same time I am going also going to tell you my thoughts and how I see amateur radio. So if you can withstand my horrible grammar and spelling, please take your time to read what I have to say. Who knows, you might enjoy it!

Thanks for reading,

Jeff – NT1K


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