Automated Antenna Switch

Fabrication and installation of a network controlled antenna switch. Allows for 2 inputs with up to 6 outputs.


Back On The Air… Sort of (HF9V Rebuild)

Since the Eastern States Exposition (AKA "The BigE") which is New England's largest fair located right near my QTH is…


Yet another year. Updates with NT1K

Wow! It's been well over another year and I didn't post any updates or projects. That's because I haven't done…


Another year, another contact! Updates at NT1K.

Yes, I am still here. Just not as active compared to 2011. Maybe it's the solar cycle, maybe it's complacency,…


RM-11835 Denied By FCC

Today I received word that the FCC has denied my petition to give regional preference to hams applying for a…


NanoVNA – First Thoughts

At some point in your amateur radio adventures you'll eventually want to make your own antenna or you're not certain…


I’m not dead…

For those who are actually following my blog, thank you! It's been awhile since my last post and I just…


Please Support RM-11835

I've petition the FCC for a rule making change that would give residential preference to amateur radio operators applying for…


ARRL DX SSB 2018 – Extended Soapbox

With the not so great weather we had around my QTH, I figured to turn on the radio and participate…


Yes I am still here. Updates and other stuff!

It's been over a year since my last post.  Amateur radio activity at station NT1K has slowed down quite a…