While my parts for my CW keyer are out for paint all I had to play with is the plexiglass base of the keyer.
I managed to get it working and I went on 7.040.50Mhz (40m) and started sending CQ TEST. All of a sudden I hear “-. .—- -… — -..- -.. . -.- -… —.. ..-. . (N1BMX DE KB8FE)” I was happy because instead of using software to decode morse I did it by pen and paper. He was sending slow enough for me to understand even though I was sending much faster and messing up a lot. His call is KB8FE (Keith, OH). He asked me about my station and then told me to keep practicing CW. So I am please to make a contact and it makes me want to master CW now.
I’ve been noticing that I have been practicing CW more than I have been doing any other mode.
You appear to be a very talented and creative individual. Hang in there with morse code. It is such a ‘unique’ mode of communication. I have enjoyed it very much for so many years. I usually operate at QRP power levels with a straight key, Vibroplex bug and keyboard. Great hobby! Hope to find you on the bands again some day using your touch keyer.
Keith – KB8FE