NT1K’s Website Of The Week – 5/17/2013

This weeks website of the week is HomingIn.com 

If you are into Fox hunting or RDF (Radio Direction Finding) then HomingIn.com is a must visit website as it’s full of information. Even though the website appears to have been last updated in 1998, it’s updated often and I would say that it’s the “Go to” site for anything RDF.

NT1K’s Ham Radio Website Of The Week – 5/9/2013 – LCWO.net

For this weeks WOTW, I picked LCWO.net otherwise known as Learn CW online. If you even want to learn CW (Morse Code) I would strongly suggest this website to use as a tool to make learning easier.

From LCWO.net

A new website to learn and practice Morse telegraphy has been launched:
http://lcwo.net/ - Learn CW Online

There are already hundreds of training programs, MP3/CD courses and practice
aids available, but LCWO follows a radically different concept: While sticking
to  well-proven methods for learning and practice, all you need for using LCWO
is a web browser!

This gives the user the liberty to practice CW wherever an internet connection
is available, always retaining the personal settings, scores and statistics.

Currently the site, which is available in 27 languages offers a complete
Koch method Morse course, code group practice, callsign- and plain text training
modes and also allows to convert random text to Morse MP3s.

A high score list is available to compare results with other users, personal
statistics help to track training progress.

LCWO.net is a non-commercial project. Creating a free account only takes a few
seconds, and you can start practicing CW right away!

Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK

It  has a decent layout and after making an account, it will track your progress. I’ve used this site many times. My favorite part being the Morse Machine which is the same as this piece of software

Now maybe I should learn Morse Code…. Some day!

– NT1K

NT1K’s Ham Radio Website Of The Week – 5/1/13 – KB6NU’s Blog

One of the things that attracted me to Amateur Radio is the community of people who are eager to help. If you’re having trouble with the exam, wanting to design and/or install an antenna, repairing a radio, purchasing the correct radio, working a kit or project or whatever it may be and you need help, all you have to do is ask and most of the time someone is willing to help. With the advancement of the internet and the use of  forums and social media, it’s eaiser than ever to get the help you need from someone who has the correct answers.

For my first WOTW (Website Of The Week… Yeah, I’m calling it that) is KB6NU’s blog. I like his site because it’s current and frequently updated both in design and content.   However the main attraction of his website is his “No-Nonsense Study Guides” to obtain or upgrade an amateur radio license in the USA. These guides gives you the questions and answers that are on the test with a brief explanation in way that makes it easy to understand. This allows the reader to get a general idea of what the questions are about w/o having to read pages and pages. It’s more than just memorizing questions.

I’ll be honest and say that I’ve learned more about amateur radio after obtaining my license because I wanted to, not because I have to. License manuals from the ARRL are filled with all the information you could possibly need to get your license (or upgrade) but for someone who is brand new to the hobby, it can be overwhelming with all this information being thrown at you at once.  Some might argue that this information is necessary to know before obtaining a license and I somewhat agree. I wouldn’t want to see an operator cause interference, damage property or injure themselves or others but I don’t think they will be building a legal limit amplifier and erecting a 100′ tower right from the start.

Personal opinions aside, the questions in the exam are in there for one reason or another. KB6NU’s guides makes it easier to learn and I wish used them while I was obtaining my licenses. KB6NU’s guides are public (in PDF format) and I strongly suggest that if you find them useful that you donate through his website

Thanks for reading,
– Jeff (NT1K)

Website of the Week. May 1st 2013: KB6NU’s Ham Radio Blog